This is what makes employees happy at work: Our response to Michael C. Bush’s speech for TED’s series the Way we Work.

In his compelling TED Talk, Michael C. Bush explores the often-overlooked subject of employee happiness. With startling statistics, he reveals that a staggering 40% of the global workforce reports being unhappy at work. This unhappiness is not just a personal issue; it has far-reaching implications for organizational performance and success.

The question he aims to address in the video is: Why? Why are employees unhappy? Here’s what he had to say and why we disagree with him.

It’s not one thing.

“Employees thrive in environments where they are treated with dignity and trust” says Bush. He explains that leadership styles that do not give this trust and respect to their employees contribute to the maintenance of a dissatisfied workforce. He goes on to explain that a 1,500 dollar decision has to get approval from an average of 15 people.Ā 

We don’t disagree with him. Trust and respect are crucial. However, these elements are part of a larger, interconnected system that operates at multiple levels.

Small Intro to Systems Thinking.

Here’s one rule of thumb if you’re a Systems Thinker: if the explanation is not multivariate, think hard before you accept it. Our lives are a complex, dynamic and ever-changing system. This system has many elements: our planet, our society, our community, our work, our families, ourselves and much much more. What happens at one level of the system inevitably influences all other levels too.

Just like our lives are made up of these systems, our workplace has its own subsystems: it includes the people, the place, the work, the organisational structure, the culture and all other external factors that may impact these.Ā Analyzing employee satisfaction through a Systems Thinking lens means considering it as a multifaceted system. Through this lens, employee satisfaction is viewed as an emergent property influenced by various factors. This comprehensive approach enables the development of effective strategies for sustainable improvements in employee satisfaction.

Let’s break down employee satisfaction.

Individual Factors:
Personal Growth and Development: Opportunities for career advancement, skill enhancement, and personal growth are crucial. Employees feel valued when they can see a clear path for progression.
Work-Life Integration (not balance): The ability to see one’s work as a key part of their life and to not feel that the one is keeping them from the other.
Recognition and Rewards: Regular acknowledgment of achievements and fair compensation for efforts contribute significantly to employee satisfaction.

Organizational Factors
Company Culture: A positive, inclusive, and supportive culture fosters employee satisfaction. It includes factors like mutual respect, diversity, and open communication.
Leadership and Management: Effective, transparent, and empathetic leadership is key. Leadership that listens and responds to employee needs creates a more satisfying work environment.
Job Security: A sense of stability and security in one’s job role enhances satisfaction levels.

Environmental Factors
Workplace Design: The physical work environment plays a pivotal role in employee satisfaction. A well-designed workplace that considers ergonomics, aesthetics, and functionality can boost productivity and well-being.
Workspace Flexibility: Options like adjustable desks, relaxation areas, and collaborative spaces cater to different work styles and needs, enhancing overall satisfaction.
Technology and Tools: Providing the right tools and technology for efficient work is essential. This includes up-to-date software, efficient hardware, and seamless digital connectivity.

How we help.

We use the interplay between Systems Theory and design to offer holistic, integrated solutions that enhance employee satisfaction. Our Systems Thinking philosophy allows us to dissect the complexities at the individual, company, andĀ broaderĀ level of analysis, and design a space where these theoretical concepts are brought to life. From ergonomics, work-life integration and human-centred elements of individual workspaces, to the architectural layout that fosters a collaborative culture, and to the branding and corporate social responsibility initiatives that align with societal values with the company… every design choice is a strategic move.

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