STIRIXIS Group: a global impact on strategic design.

A Strategic Insight: An Exclusive Forbes Interview with STIRIXIS Group’s Leaders.

Last month, in June 2024, our President & CEO Alex Athanassoulas and our Vice President & Executive Director Elena Athanassoulas, had an enlightening interview with Forbes.

They discussed STIRIXIS Group’s innovative approach to workplace transformations, the distinctiveness of our retail concepts, our impactful collaborations and projects, and our ambitious goals for the future.

What new perspective do you aim to bring to workplaces?

Workplaces are undergoing a significant transformation due to various factors such as technology, rapid changes in our lifestyles, new collaboration methods, and an increasing pressure to attract and retain talented employees. In this context, our company strategically studies workspaces as a multi-parametric system for continuous optimization. Our design reduces real estate, operational, and maintenance costs while significantly enhancing user experience, engagement, and performance. We also introduce elements such as sustainability, wellness, safety, and hygiene into these spaces. In a recent major project, we achieved a 35% reduction in workspace costs while simultaneously reaping substantial benefits in performance and space attractiveness.

What distinguishes your retail concepts?

Following our systemic approach to businesses and projects, we start with a strategic analysis that records commercial goals, values, and the desired brand position. We then design all parameters to ensure complete alignment and a multiplier effect on the concept’s performance and growth. We pay particular attention to every detail that constitutes a touchpoint with the customer—from the broader customer experience and journey, all the way to scent, lighting, music, technology, the emotions evoked, the service narrative, and of course, the overall aesthetics and branding. What truly sets us apart, however, is how we connect the brand with its target audience, creating dynamic, evolving relationships that consistently deliver value. We are grateful to have been trusted by businesses from India to the United States, by brands that have extensive networks of hundreds of stores and seek optimization and a parternship that will shape their business’ future.

Tell us about your collaborations and projects.

We are very proud of the opportunities we’ve had to collaborate with unique clients in nearly 30 countries. This experience, across different markets and sectors, has enabled us to anticipate future developments, acting as a safeguard for the work we deliver and maximizing its impact. It is particularly important to mention that as part of integrating strategic foresight into our services, we created a think tank called Metallaxis, composed of exceptional professionals who provide the framework for the healthy and stable growth of our projects.

It is no coincidence that the majority of our growth comes from satisfied clients and repeat projects, as well as new clients who come from referrals. Long-term relationships of trust and collaboration with significant leaders in our sectors have given us the ability to grow in knowledge, and continue carrying out our mission of delivering True Prosperity to our clients.

What are your goals for the coming years?

Our goals for the next few years are focused on two pillars: the development and strengthening of our presence in new and existing markets; and the evolution and strengthening of our own company, the continuous improvement of our services, the growth and development of our people. We want to continue growing in a way that strengthens our values, generates meaning, and results in happy and proud collaborations – both internally and externally.