Happiness is the key to business success.
There have been several countries which gradually support the trend of measuring human development success by Gross National Happiness (GNH) instead of the very well-known path of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to several studies, the achievement of happiness is powerful enough to boost the business sector and its figures to a much greater extent than a plain fiscal amelioration.
Consequently, it is no coincidence that successful companies all around the world increasingly tend to focus on the wellbeing of their workforce to maximize one of the most powerful unique selling propositions an organisation can have while increasing the employee engagement. In other words, we should all, either as business people or as just people, wonder and actively seek ‘’How can we achieve happiness?” and find ways to actually achieve it.
The World Health Organization warns that, within a decade, depression will be the leading contributor to the global disease burden and, many countries react to this red flag expanding success’ measurement by integrating the following 9 domains and 33 indicators:
These major domains, which are more than enough to signal what truly matters, when measured, create a unique dataset of the national workforce’s current psychological and mental state, as well as its historical fluctuations, constituting an efficient tool on how to confront and resolve phenomena such as underperformance or lack of loyalty.
It has even been planned by the United Nations to include the Gross National Happiness index among the most powerful measures that appeared during the pursuit of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to which the World has agreed.
The most innovative and intuitive business organisations have already realised that if we want to understand how we progress, why we sometimes fail, and how to, ultimately, improve the quality of our lives, they have to unlock the mystery of happiness through sustainable answers and actions.