“We have studied, analysed and designed successful business models and concepts for more than 23 years and in 3 continents.
STIRIXIS Group working as a trusted business consultant all these years, we found one common parameter leading to successful business concepts, either in Leisure and Hospitality or retail concepts and this is the concept consistency, completeness. You see, each concept consists of a thousand elements, all your different products and all your different services, with the main goal to create a concept, with sustainable profitability, that will lead to high customer loyalty.
Customer service, voices and scripts, your branding, signage, lights, textures, visuals are some of those. But also elements that work in a subconscious level, such as ease of navigation, scents, music, your storytelling.
The key to success lies in identifying all these elements and designing them in detail so that they are all aligned to produce the same perception, the same image of your brand, the same memorable experience to your clients.
This is what we do so well as STIRIXIS Group. Based on our unique Systems Thinking philosophy, we fine tune all concept elements to reach a perfect concept consistency, a true concept completeness. And then, as we say in systems thinking, we harvest the emergent values that this alignment produces. Prosperity for your concept,
sustainable profitability and loyal customers…”Alex Athanassoulas, President & CEO of STIRIXIS Group
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